Thanks first to Bny for introducing me to this blog site. This is my first ever post. As in ever. Anyway, it was really easy signing up... thats a lie. I cant seem to find a user name not already taken. First I tried of course my name... taken, then my intitials...taken, then my name with 888 in the end, taken again, and then my intials with 888 wala pa rin...leche. And to top it all of, i wrote my password everytime I tried a new user name. Anak ng.
Well, mayabang na ako ngayon kasi sa wakas nakaDSL na kami! Hehe. Life on the fast lane, kahit na sa internet lang. Here are my first impression pertaining on having a DSL connection...PLDT customer service SUCK! Yesterday our server or whatever you call it died. We tried to call the shity customer support of PLDT and lo and behold... walang nangyari. They made us wait for almost an hour tapos ang maririnig mo lang is a busy signal in the end. Galing ng PLDT mabuhay sila!
I hope that never happen again.